Veewee, Packer and Kickstarting VMs Into Gear
In a world where the Operating System (OS) installation is almost a thing of the past, with all the hosting providers giving you base boxes to use, some of us still have the privilege to tackle this task.
Don’t get me wrong, OS installation is not a lost art and it’s vital as the underlying corner stone of an infrastructure.
How would you guarantee important OS security/service upgrade in production will play nice with your application?
How would you be certain the development environment Virtual Machines (VMs) are a match to the production ones?
These questions are easily answered when using the OS as an artefact of the delivery pipeline, just like the application running on it.
But for that you’ll need consistent, versioned and automated way of creating VMs…
Remember when you first start using kickstart files, first on floppies, then USB pens and finally using the HTTP method?
Remember trying to find a Web Server to share the kickstart file to the soon to be installed box, then using the
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
and feeling like a hacker?
Well, this is the next step on the evolution and, as I was living under a rock regarding all things related to base VM build automation, I just started yesterday playing around with these awesome tools (yeah… it was a rainy weekend).
The plan was
- Build a minimal Centos 6.6 x86_64 VirtualBox VM
- Use my own kickstart files
- Import into Vagrant and use it as a base box
- Get all the configs on version control
- Guarantee it’s a fully automated process
- Lean back and enjoy the show
- Grab some popcorn while it builds
- Give Veewee and Packer a decent test-drive
So, the next steps were taken to achieve the above requirements (popcorn not included).
Get it
gem install veewee
Grab an example
git clone definitions
Use it
# validate config
veewee vbox validate 'centos-6.6-x86_64'
# start build process
veewee vbox build 'centos-6.6-x86_64'
Share it
veewee vbox export 'centos-6.6-x86_64'
Import it
vagrant box add 'centos-6.6-x86_64' './'
vagrant init 'centos-6.6-x86_64'
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Watch the magic happen
Get it
brew tap homebrew/binary
brew install packer
Migrating from Veewee?
# AKA was too lazy to build a packer template
gem install veewee-to-packer
Grab an example
git clone
Use it
cd packer/centos-6.6-x86_64
packer validate template.json
packer build template.json
Import it
vagrant box add 'centos-6.6-x86_64' './'
vagrant init 'centos-6.6-x86_64'
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Watch the magic happen
That’s it, that’s all
And this is how, in a couple of hours, I’ve became a fan of Veewee and Packer, #truestory
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